Our figures
Learn more about the robustness of our data, which supports the accuracy of our algorithms.

The world’s largest granular coverage: 63% of the ticket-to-ticket channel
Scanntech reads more than 9 billion tickets every year, which is equivalent to 5 tickets per Brazilian per month. Automatic reading via API ensures agile insights that provide you with the confidence to make decisions to boost your business results.

The world's largest granular coverage is at Scanntech.

+ 763 bi
processed every year
Scanntech is constantly increasing its scanning coverage. There are now more than 763 billion BRL read in a year. From small retailers to large chains, from supermarkets to wholesalers, Scanntech's base includes retail partners from all over Brazil for an increasingly collaborative intelligence platform across manufacturers, distributors and retailers.

The information is available within two days of sales, at the speed you need to act and transform your results within the month.

Ethical and safety standards
We comply with the highest levels of information security and professional ethics, making our handling of information safe and reliable.
Our investors
Global institutions that trust and invest in Scanntech’s expansion.


Efficiency for retail, manufacturing and distributors
With an extremely robust database and a team of experts, we are continuously innovating with the best intelligence solutions on the market. Our quality, data security and exclusive service result in an average satisfaction rating of 9.4 and an NPS of 83.

We look forward to hearing from you
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